Letter - Easter 2024
Holy Ester 2024 “Our Redeemer has risen from the dead: let us sing hymns to the Lord our God, Alleluia” (from liturgy) Dear Brothers, with the arrival of Holy Easter, I would like to ideally reach each of you, wherever you are in the world, and offer... Czytaj więcej
Letter - Easter 2024
Holy Ester 2024 “Our Redeemer has risen from the dead: let us sing hymns to the Lord our God, Alleluia” (from liturgy) Dear Brothers, with the arrival of Holy Easter, I would like to ideally reach each of you, wherever you are in the world, and offer... Czytaj więcej

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Items filtered by date: April 2014

Monday, 28 April 2014 13:04

PPP 2014

Published in PHOTO
Monday, 14 April 2014 08:22

Tanzanian's Bishops at Rome

EN Some moments during the Eucharistic celebration of the Episcopal Conference of Tanzania during its ad limina visit, in the parish church of Our Lady of La Salette in Rome. Cardinal Pengo Polycarp is the titular bishop of our parish.

PL Kilka zdjęć z Mszy św. w kościele Matki Bożej Saletyńskiej w Rzymie, Konferencja Episkopatu Tanzanii z okazji wizyty ad limina w Rzymie. Nasz kościół w Rzymie jest przypisany kardynałowi Polikarpowi Pengo.

IT Alcune istantanee circa la celebrazione eucaristica della Conferenza episcopale della Tanzania in visita ad limina, nella chiesa parrocchiale N.S. de La Salette in Roma. Il cardinale Pengo Polycarpo e’ il titolare della nostra Parrocchia.

Published in PHOTO
Friday, 11 April 2014 10:05

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saletinian blog

Published in BLOG (EN)
Thursday, 10 April 2014 19:50

Happy Easter 2014


Dear Brothers,                                                                                                                                                             Easter 2014

Carry to all the joy of the Risen Lord.” (the Sacred Liturgy)

It is with this concluding sentence of the Liturgy of the Resurrection that I want to express my most sincere brotherly wishes for a Happy and Holy Easter, as well as those of the General Council and Administration.

I hope that the Lenten journey just concluded has engaged all of us in a deep spiritual renewal, both personally and communally. For many of you this journey has been undertaken together with the lay faithful who regularly attend our parishes or with those whom we may have had the fortune of meeting as we engaged in preaching Lenten missions.

Together let us thank the Lord who again this year has invited us to conversion so that we may conform our lifestyle ever more to that of Jesus. In so doing he has offered us a providential opportunity, as Pope Francis says, of “reawakening, of bestirring ourselves from the torpor and from the risk of moving forward passively.”

The announcing of the Resurrection, if heard in faith, fills up our life and our religious history in a real sense. Only if one has had the difficult experience of the purifying journey of Lent, can he taste the newness, the beauty and the joy of this announcement.

To celebrate Easter then means, in light of the Risen One, to put a renewed purpose of trust and hope in ourselves, in community life and in our ministry; to be ready to be freed, not only from the routine which often renders our days insignificant, but to the point of engaging in conversion of the heart, becoming credible witnesses of the new life inaugurated by Christ.

Full of Easter joy, then, I would also like to share with you the joy of the celebration of some events which have marked the life of our Congregation in recent times:

On March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, the district of Switzerland celebrated the 90th anniversary of the School of Untere Waid, opened in 1924. As an “Apostolic School” for many years, it welcomed and accompanied in their formation dozens and dozens of youths wanting to become Missionaries of La Salette. Having ended its days as a seminary, it opened its doors to both boys and girls and became a modern high school, renowned and appreciated throughout the city of St. Gallen and its environs. This instrument of evangelization and of human advancement also became over time a privileged place for diffusing the message of La Salette and promoting the charism of reconciliation. My sincere thanks, and that of the Congregation, forms an unceasing prayer that the “La Salette Gymnasium,” which has so well served young people up to the present time, will always remain faithful to its charter by furthering the common purpose of the La Salette community present there and the local church.

On April 7, our confrere Fr. Robert Harder, M.S. (of the district of Switzerland) turned 100! He is the first Missionary of La Salette to reach this venerable age. Even though challenged with so many years and with understandable ailments, he continues to live in the community of Untere Waid, still on his own feet, supported by the affection of his confreres. He spent all his life in Angola where he arrived in 1946 with the first group of La Salette Missionaries from the Swiss Province. His religious life and priesthood were identified with the mission. In 1975 he founded the “Congregation of the Sisters of St. Catherine.” Founded for the evangelization and the human and spiritual well-being of young women, they are active today in Angola, Spain and Italy. A man of prayer and genuine spirituality, Fr. Harder willingly speaks to anyone who asks about his missionary experience in Angola. Even though he is living in Switzerland these days, his heart is always in the land of Africa. Along with him, we want to give thanks to the Lord for the gift of such a long life, as well as for all the good he did as a missionary in the midst of the Angolan people for so many years. “Ad multos annos,” dear Fr. Robert, and may the Virgin of La Salette continue to watch over you!

From March 29 to April 5, along with Fr. Adilson, I was supposed to go visit Mons. Claude Rault, bishop of the Sahara (Algeria) as requested by decision # 15 of General Chapter 2012. But once again, as happened last year, our request for a visa was not successful. In view of the fact that Mons. Rault will be here in Rome at the end of June, I will take that occasion to meet with him and speak with him concerning a strategy for obtaining entry into his country. I will keep you up-to-date on any developments concerning this delicate situation.

As you have seen from our monthly bulletin from March, Father Efren and I were in Tanzania at the invitation of Mons. Methodius Kilaini, the auxiliary bishop of Bukoba, to study the feasibility of establishing a La Salette presence in that diocese in the near future. Shortly I will have completed an account that will be sent to the Provincials and thus to the whole Congregation. I invite you to pray that the Holy Spirit enlighten the General Council so that we pursue only those things that God and the Virgin of La Salette intend for our Congregation.

A final reason for our joy is that we have learned that in Haiti, where three of our confreres from Madagascar are working, there are some young men looking to become a part of our religious family. General Chapter 2012 (Decision # 14), although not excluding a priori recruitment in this country, did not provide any “concrete” criteria to put this recruitment into action. Even though the situation is attractive and there is a lot of enthusiasm, a little prudence accompanied by serious discernment will serve us well. I invite the concerned provinces, Madagascar and North America, to consider this problem together in all its aspects (recruitment, sites, formation, personnel, finances). On my part, and that of the General Council, there will be the greatest attention given to this, and our collaboration will not be lacking. We also confide this “project” to the maternal care of Mary, our Mother. She does not neglect making known to us the way to work together as a Congregation in service of the Church and the world today.

April 13, Palm Sunday, we will begin the 2014 PPP. The entire General Council will be on the Holy Mountain for a month in order to present this program. There will be 16 participants. We are very happy that this number includes three Sisters of Our Lady of La Salette. We ask all of you to join with us in prayer.

Along with the General Council and the other members of the General House, I extend to everyone of you – postulants, novices, seminarians, religious of all ages, whether ill, in crisis or whatever – wishes for a Happy and Holy Celebration of the Resurrection. I also extend these wishes to all the groups of “La Salette Laity” who share with us in the task of joyfully announcing the Gospel in light of the message of reconciliation of the weeping Virgin of La Salette.

I bless all of you in the Risen Lord.

Silvano, M.S.


Published in INFO (EN)
Tuesday, 08 April 2014 07:25

Fr. Robert Harder - 100 years!

Fr. Robert Harder, MS, (District of Switzerland) celebrates his 100th birthday on April 7! He now lives in the community at Untere Waid in Morschwil, Switzerland.

He was born in Nederburen/St. Gallen. His parents were Matthew Harder and Magdalena Hasler. When he was nine years old, he read the biography of St. Teresa, and he dreamed of being a priest. In 1934 he entered the apostolic school at Untere Waid. He did his novitiate in Fryeburg in 1937, and studied theology in Fryeburg, graduating in 1944. Before graduation, he was ordained priest on June 29, 1943. Three years after ordination, he went to the mission of Angola. He was a missionary in Caluquembe in Tchindjendje and Hanha. (To find out where this is, please visit the map of the province of Angola in the Portuguese-language version of this website.) In Tchindjendje, in 1965, he began a program of catechesis and formation for women, which evolved into the religious Congregation of the Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena. In 2004 his deteriorating health required that he return to Switzerland. In 2013, Fr. Celestino Muhatili, MS, interviewed him, and you can see part of this interview here...

Dearest Fr. Robert Harder,

First of all, special Greetings from the Eternal City!  As I am unable to greet you personally, I wish, through Fr. Belarmino, the Secretary General, to send you our very special Wishes, in the name of the General Council for the unique event of your 100th Birthday. Today, with you we are all grateful to the Lord for the gift of such a long life dedicated to the proclamation of the Gospel in Angola, as a religious and Missionary of Our Lady of La Salette.

We know very well how much you loved that country and how much energy you have poured out in favor of the people you have met along the road of your priesthood. We are well aware as well of how you never fail to talk to all the visitors of Untere Waid, about the Mission of Angola, the shining jewel of the Swiss Province since 1946, the Centenary of the Apparition.

Today, you are surrounded by many friends, brother Missionaries, and the Sisters of the Congregation which you have founded, who wish to share with you the joys of this wonderful and truly special and Unique Feast Day. Everyone is here to express to you their sincere and heartfelt thanks for all the good that you have done and the spirit you have planted in their hearts and in so many persons that you have guided through your priestly and Salettine spirit in the land of Angola.

The Congregation, to which you belonged for around 77 years now, is very proud of you as a person and as a La Salette Religious, and invokes the Lord’s blessing that he continues to grant you good health, peace and serenity for all the days that you will be in our midst. May the Virgin of La Salette, continue to be close to you, as she has always been up to now, and guide you always.

A warm and fraternal embrace to you, and a special blessing, dearest Fr. Robert Harder, and “ad multos Annos!”


Fr. Silvano Marisa, M. S.

Superior General


Published in INFO (EN)
Monday, 07 April 2014 19:41

Twin Lakes / USA

Twin LakesAt our La Salette Shrine in Twin Lakes, WI, there is a beautifully crafted bronze statue of Our Lady of La Salette. This statue has an intriguing history.

A friend of our Missionaries found it in an antique store in San Francisco. It seems that for years this statue was placed at the entrance of an old gold mine. It was a custom of the miners to touch the statue as they would enter the mine. After the mine closed the statue eventually found its way to the store and ultimately to our Shrine at Twin Lakes.

No one knows how the statue began its odyssey to a mine’s entrance and then to the antique store in San Francisco. But this is just another example of how the Virgin of La Salette can touch our lives, sometimes in some very circuitous ways.

This story illustrates the fact Our Lady of La Salette has a remarkable ability of getting around, of showing up in the most unexpected or out of the way places. It leaves you wondering who did this, when and how?

Mary’s visit to La Salette was very different from many of her other apparitions. For example, Mary did not ask that a basilica be built there although later a beautiful shrine church would spring up atop this alpine mountain to commemorate this event and to serve its many pilgrims. She did not mandate any special devotion other than to pray well. And yet today we have many prayers, hymns and devotions dedicated to Our Lady of La Salette.

 Also she did not say anything about the need to establish a religious community. She simply asked these two simple children to make her message “known to all her people”. Yet amazingly not one but two religious foundations can trace their genesis to Mary at La Salette: The Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette and the Sisters of Our Lady of La Salette.

We are reminded that Mary’s parting words to Maximin and Melanie – to make her message known to all her people – was addressed to us all and each of us has our own unique manner of accomplishing this mission.

Written by Fr. Jerry Lebanowski, M.S.

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